Where to Find the Best Baby Photoshoot Ideas
Time is fleeting. By 5 months, babies double their birth weight. While you can’t recapture how impossibly tiny they were, you can take pictures. To make sure that you don’t run out of babies photoshoot ideas, here are five ways to find more baby photo inspiration.
6 Ways to Find Babies Photoshoot Ideas
If you are looking for more ideas for photoshoots you can do with your baby, here are five popular places to find fresh ideas:
1. Explore Pinterest for Baby Ideas
You aren’t the only one looking for ideas. Many other parents are in the same boat, looking for baby photo ideas. On Pinterest, you can search by topic or check out already curated boards.
To start, here are a couple of popular searches, showing pins full of photo ideas for babies:
One advantage of using Pinterest to research baby picture themes and creative baby photoshoot ideas is that other people are already collecting and saving ideas to their own boards--many of which are shared to the public. You can search through already curated idea boards and collect save to your own Pinterest board.
- Baby Photo Ideas Pinterest Boards
- Baby Photo Inspiration Pinterest Boards
- Baby Boy Photography Ideas Pinterest Boards
2. Follow Photography Blogs for Inspiration
Have a favorite photographer? It’s time to follow them on social media and check out their blog. Many photographers offer a huge backlog of baby photo ideas on their blogs. Here are a few examples:
- LA-based Shoots & Giggles, which showcases newborn and baby photo sections in its photo gallery.
- Chicago’s This Little Piggy Photography offers examples of past newborn and baby photo shoots
3. Look at Award-Winning Newborn and Baby Photographers’ Work
If you want to open your eyes to more possibilities, there are several places to find baby and newborn photo ideas from award-winning professional photographers. Check out the links below to see award-winning newborn and baby photos from winning photographers.
- Birth & Beyond Photography Awards
- Rise International Photography Awards Baby Category
- Babyphotoawards.com gathers collections of the best newborn, maternity, and baby photographs each month
- Newbornphotocontest.com from the Newborn Photographer Community showcases its members’ work online
4. Browse Instagram for Baby and Newborn Pic Ideas
One of the best ways to quickly find ideas for baby photos is Instagram. This crowd-sourced, photo-based social network is similar to Pinterest, but it works differently. To help you get started browsing ideas, here are a few of the best baby pic inspiration hashtags to help inspire you.
- #babiesofinstagram
- #babymilestones
- #babyphoto
- #babyphotograph
- #babyphotographer
- #babyphotography
- #babyphotographyideas
- #babyphotographyposes
- #babyphotoideas
- #babyphotoprops
- #babyphotos
- #babyphotosession
- #babyphotoshoot
- #babyphotoshootathome
- #babyphotoshoots
- #babyportraits
- #babyportraitsession
- #babyprops
- #cominghomeoutfit
- #igbabies
- #instababy
- #newbaby
- #newborn
- #newbornbabyphotographer
- #newbornboyphotography
- #newbornboyprops
- #newborngirlphotography
- #newborninabasket
- #newborninspo
- #newbornlifestylephotography
- #newbornlifestylesession
- #newbornoutfit
- #newbornphoto
- #newbornphotograph
- #newbornphotographer
- #newbornphotography
- #newbornphotographyprops
- #newbornphotoprop
- #newbornphotoprops
- #newbornphotos
- #newbornphotosession
- #newbornphotoshoot
- #newbornpics
- #newbornpictures
- #newbornposing
- #newbornposingideas
- #newbornprops
- #newbornpropshop
- #newbornsession
- #newbornsessionathome
- #newbornshoot
- #newbornshooting
- #sitter
- #sitterphotography
- #sitterphotoshoot
- #sitterprops
- #sittersession
- #sittersessionphotography
- #sittersessions
- #sittershoot
5. Follow Newborn and Baby Photographers on Social Media to Get Daily Ideas
Instagram offers the opportunity to get new baby pic ideas every day by following photographers’ accounts. Here are some of the most popular baby and newborn photographer accounts on Instagram:
- Nataly Danilova Photography - @natalydanilova, @dcbabyphoto
- Divine Images by Emily — @divineimagesbyemily
- Noelle Mirabella Photography — @noellemirabellaphotography
- Susan Scott — @susanscottphotography
- Shannon Leigh Studios — @shannonleighstudios
- Erin Elizabeth — @erin_elizabeth_photography
- Amrita Samant — @mommyshotsbyamrita
- Shara Bachman — @bachmanvillephotography
- Aurora Ricart — @aricart_photography
- Nichole Lee — @nicholeleephotography
- Natasha Megan — @natashameganphotography
- May Martinez — @maymartinezphotography
- Christy Wallis — @christywallisphotography
- Sydney Newborn Photographer — @uniqueimages_bysharyna
- Jacqueline Hanna — @jacquelinehannaphoto
For easy access to the kind of pics you are planning, look for Instagram Stories Highlight reels for Newborn or Sitter categories (older babies that can sit up). These are located near the top of an Instagram profile.
6. Check Out Our Holiday and Seasonal Photo Guides
For more inspiration, check out these seasonal baby photoshoot ideas we've we've collected:
Still looking for baby photoshoot ideas? Check out the Bebe Couture Holiday Collection, with great clothing ideas to celebrate and capture baby’s first holidays!